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Getting Started With Social Media Marketing Today!

You’re probably here reading this because you want to know what goes into creating a great social media marketing campaign. The good news is, it’s really not that difficult to get started with. Here you’ll find some great tips on what you can do to become the best social media marketer out there.

Getting Started With Social Media Marketing Today

You need to make a profile on the social media site of your choice. It may be tempting to get on there and start adding things like your favorite music and the like, but you have to remember that you’re making this profile as a professional and not for personal needs. Always try to make everything you post as generic as possible. You don’t want people to not want to join up with you because you said something about your political affiliation, for example. Just try to make everything as professional as you can and everything should work out for you.

Once you have your profile built, you’re going to want to try and get as many followers as possible. A good way to do this would be to offer coupons or other deals that only people that are following you can get. Make sure that the coupon or sample of whatever you’re giving out has something to do with the business you’re running. Always make sure that you have expiration dates on deals as well. You don’t want someone trying to honor a coupon that isn’t expired for a product that you don’t sell any longer.

Treat people with respect because you never know who could be watching you interact with that person. There will be those people that complain about anything no matter what you try to do, but you still shouldn’t tell that person off since you’re going to be having a large audience watch you. Don’t get too personal with people or anything like that, but also don’t just send out responses that are made up for everyone. People will notice if you’re trying to send them a canned response, so try hard to be a little personal with your followers.

You want to be sure to update your page often, but don’t update it way too much. People will get annoyed if you’re updating them every other hour. If you have something to share with people, pick a time when most people are going to be online, and then send it out only once. If people don’t respond to it, that doesn’t mean that you should start sending it out until someone is interested. If people don’t show interest the first time, then it’s time to rework the message and then send it out at least a day later so you don’t bother people.

Now you shouldn’t have any trouble setting up your social media marketing campaign. Just remember the tips you read here, and always be looking out for more tips on this subject. Work hard and you should be able to see the results pay off later on!

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Harnessing Social Media Marketing For Your Website

Without a doubt, social media marketing is almost as important, if not more important than SEO for your website. In fact, social media marketing can get a website to the top of search engine results without onsite optimization and other link building efforts. Of course, you can’t rely exclusively on social media marketing, but it must be part of your over all strategy. Here are a few ways to quickly harness the power of social media.

The purpose of social media is to stir up frenzy and interest that goes viral and spreads like wild fire. In fact, the shorter the better, the funnier the better and the more insanely original, the better. In fact, invest your time coming up with awesome, quality content instead of mediocre, mass quantity content for your social media marketing.

The first way to harness the power of the masses is through videos. Videos have an amazing ability to go viral and generate insane amounts of qualified traffic, but your video has to be good! Commercial type videos can work, after all, Super Bowl commercials have proved this, but again they have to be good. Remember the Old Spice Guy? That’s a perfect example of the power that you can harness in a viral video.

Another thing that makes videos an awesome option for social media marketing is that you can promote them through all of the major social media platforms, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube, just to mention a few. Just one video can give you dozens of links just because you can promote it on all of those sites.

Photos are another way to use social media, just think of how hot Pinterest is! One great photo and your link is viral in a heartbeat!

Make sure that all of your social accounts are updated and maintained daily, if not by you, then out source the up keep of these sites to your local teenager. If you aren’t fresh and in front of people, you’ll be in the land of oblivion and that won’t get you any traffic at all. Also, go ahead and pay for lots of followers in the beginning, but work on real followers at the same time. No one wants to be the first to follow someone new and no one wants to be the last one to know about something hot, either. Create that initial frenzy by buying likes and then ride the wave with great content, videos and photos.

Don’t be afraid to ask your followers to re-post your content, either. Sometimes one little reminder is all it takes!

In conclusion, using videos, photos, music and art work to promote your business is vital to internet success! Don’t be afraid to get started, just go ahead and get a few videos up and running. You’ll soon get the hang of this visual form of social marketing and you are sure to see the results quickly as your website gains not only links, but new customers as well!

Ugo Obi
Ugo Obi
Ugo Obi is a Freelance Writer, Content Creator, PR and Social Media Enthusiast.


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