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HomeMobile MarketingWhy Mobile Marketing Can Be So Profitable

Why Mobile Marketing Can Be So Profitable

In the last few years, the world has changed dramatically. Just a few years ago, the smartphone revolution began. People are now able to connect with the Internet from their phones, access their email, and do things that were not possible just 10 years ago. Social media has also changed the world, something that you can directly tap into using your smartphone using apps that you download, most of the time for free.

In essence, in the palm of your hand, you hold more power and accessibility than people have ever had before. This interconnectivity makes it possible for people that are marketing products and services to really increase their overall revenues in ways many can simply not imagine. In this article, we will show you why mobile marketing can be so profitable, and how you, regardless of what your business sells, can begin to increase your revenues exponentially.

Mobile marketing basically comes down to being able to connect with people that have cell phones, offering them your products and services. In recent past, this was usually done strictly through text messaging. People would receive a text on their phone which would direct them to your business, or possibly your website, if you are online. Over the last few years, this has improved dramatically, allowing people to not only visit your website from their smartphone, but they can also make purchases with a couple taps on their screen. Many applications now allow you to transfer funds quickly and easily, making mobile marketing something that is very viable in regard to the sale of products and services.

The only caveat that you need to consider is that, like spam sent to email, this is going to be regarded, many times, in a negative way. You can’t just send people messages and hope that they will actually trust you enough to buy what you have to offer. Emails are now connected to smartphones, but like the reaction that most people have to spam, they will delete what you have sent in most cases. The best way to utilize this form of marketing is to build a list of people that you can contact, that actually want to be contacted, and to do so through their mobile phone.

What most people do for mobile marketing is they set up a webpage that allows people to enter in their name, email, and also their mobile number. By giving you permission to send them information occasionally, directly to their mobile phone, you will have direct access to these individuals almost any time that you want to. If you have ever seen people in public talking on their phones, surfing on the web, and even playing games, you know that mobile phones and smartphones are simply part of their everyday routines, which makes this type of marketing potentially very profitable.

Once people have signed up to receive your information, all you have to do is send them an occasional email. This will keep you in constant contact with these people through their mobile phone, allowing you to make offers every now and then that they may actually purchase. By using this strategy for mobile marketing, you should see why this type of marketing, especially today, can be so profitable.

Why Mobile Marketing is a Must for Any Business

Have you ever noticed how, when you’re in among a large group of people, EVERYONE seems to be staring at, or working on, a mobile device of some kind? If it’s not a smartphone then it’s an iPad or a Kindle Fire or any number of other devices designed to keep people plugged into the virtual world. If you want to reach these people with a message about your business, then you must send them your message their mobile devices! No wonder mobile marketing is a must for any business.

Being of the older generation, it took me a while to catch on. One evening I was at my son’s house helping him install an appliance when I casually asked: “Do you know who won the game last night?” He quickly reached into his pocket, pulled out his iPhone, hit a button or two, and sayid: “Cardinals won 5 to 2.”

Three days later I was in the car with my 22 year old daughter — we were running an errand in a town about 30 miles away from home. I very casually said to her: “Wish I knew where a Starbucks is around here. I could sure go for a cup of coffee.” Out came her Smartphone and click, click, click she gave me the address of a Starbucks less than a mile away!

If you want to reach today’s consumers you need to to get into the mobile arena. You give your website a mobile app and it should be linked to Facebook page and Twitter account. Why? Because it’s the smart way to do business. Let me explain.

The other day my wife received a text message on her iPhone from a gourmet cupcake cafe in our town. This place is known for great cupcakes that are expensive. The text message included a 40% off coupon for any cupcake on the menu — all she had to do was “like” the coupon on Facebook. She did. As a result, the coupon appeared instantly on her Facebook page — and, because she has over 400 Facebook friends, the coupon instantly appeared on all of their Facebook pages too. All within less than one minute!

If the cupcake shop sent that text to 1,000 customers, and if my wife is typical, their coupon may have been instantly distributed to about 400,000 customers! Even if you reduce that figure by 75%, the ad still went to 100,000 people. The best part is it cost the cupcake shop practically nothing!

To make things even easier, you didn’t have to have a coupon in hand to get your discounted cupcake. Customers merely had to show the coupon on their mobile device! To borrow an old phrase, that’s one smart cupcake!

No doubt about it, mobile marketing should be part of every company’s marketing strategy. There has never before been a time when you could reach so many people, in such a short period of time, for such a small expense.

If you aren’t using mobile marketing for your business, take the time to learn more about this highly effective marketing technique.

Ugo Obi
Ugo Obi
Ugo Obi is a Freelance Writer, Content Creator, PR and Social Media Enthusiast.


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